Sortable demo
Total 13 items.
ID | Order | Name |
11 | 0 | Francis Ford Coppola |
3 | 1 | James Cameron |
1 | 2 | Steven Spielberg |
4 | 3 | Christopher Nolan |
13 | 4 | Martin Scorsese |
10 | 5 | David Cronenberg |
5 | 6 | John Woo |
8 | 7 | David Fincher |
6 | 8 | Quentin Tarantino |
2 | 9 | Tim Burton |
9 | 10 | Paul Verhoeven |
7 | 11 | Tony Scott |
12 | 12 | Ridley Scott |
Simple sorting
The directors are sortable by dragging and dropping them.
After sorting, the Order value will be updated. However, to see this, you have to refresh the page.
The table is implemented with a SortableGridView. Click here to see a SortableListView in action.
This may not work in mobile browsers. Therefore, there is also a SortableGridViewJquery, which depends on jQuery. It is demonstrated here.
Click on a director to see One-to-many sorting.
Note: You may get unpredictable results with this demo if someone else on the web is manipulating the data simultaneously.